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> Charging station and management system comparator

Compare charging stations and management systems in Luxembourg

> Charging station and management system comparator

Compare charging stations and management systems in Luxembourg

A practical comparison tool to find the charging solution best suited to your situation

To better support the emergence of electric vehicles in homes and businesses, this tool helps you to filter and compare the charging station models available on the Luxembourg market. By taking into account the use of the charging station, its specifications and eligibility for state financial aid, you can identify the charging station that best suits your needs.

Comparison of management systems: load, billing and energy

The tool will also allow you to compare management systems in 3 categories: load management systems, billing systems and energy systems.

The information contained in the comparison tool is the subject of rigorous and ongoing analysis, but is available for information purposes only and does not engage our responsibility regarding the decisions taken by the Environment Administration, which is responsible for approving state subsidies. Before starting your project, always consult a specialist service provider.

A practical comparison tool to find the charging solution best suited to your situation

To better support the emergence of electric vehicles in homes and businesses, this tool helps you to filter and compare the charging station models available on the Luxembourg market. By taking into account the use of the charging station, its specifications and eligibility for state financial aid, you can identify the charging station that best suits your needs.

Comparison of management systems: load, billing and energy

The tool will also allow you to compare management systems in 3 categories: load management systems, billing systems and energy systems.

The information contained in the comparison tool is the subject of rigorous and ongoing analysis, but is available for information purposes only and does not engage our responsibility regarding the decisions taken by the Environment Administration, which is responsible for approving state subsidies. Before starting your project, always consult a specialist service provider.

You are a
You are looking for
Type of current
Building type
Charging power
Technical specifications
Energy meter
Socket (CHadeMo, CCS2)
Mounting method
Additional features
Standard interfaces for external management system
Payment system
Additional features
Standard interfaces for external management system
Additional features
Additional features
Klimabonus subsidies
Simple charging station
Smart charging station
Collective charging station
No subsidies

Would you like to add a charging station or a management system to our catalogue?
Download the file below to complete, then send it to us by email at the following address:

Discover the different models below :

Businesses are not eligible for financial support for the installation of charging stations! A specific subsidy scheme for companies has been introduced for 2022 and can be consulted on guichet.lu.

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