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Dynamic Load Management


Dynamic Load Management

Dynamic: this involves distributing a given amount of power fairly or unfairly (prioritisation) between several charging stations, taking into account the power currently available according to the building’s real-time consumption. For example, the building’s main circuit breaker is 100A, which is equivalent to around 69kW three-phase. With Dynamic Load Management, if the building consumes 60kW, there would only be 9kW available for the charging infrastructure, which would be distributed between the various charging stations in use. If the building now only consumes 29kW, there would still be 40kW available for the infrastructure. This system generally requires an additional smart meter as well as current transformers that can measure the current (A – Ampere) required by the building in real time, and this smart meter communicates the information to the charging infrastructure so that it can adapt according to the power available.

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You are looking for
Type of current
Building type
Charging power
Technical specifications
Energy meter
Socket (CHadeMo, CCS2)
Mounting method
Additional features
Standard interfaces for external management system
Payment system
Additional features
Standard interfaces for external management system
Additional features
Additional features
Klimabonus subsidies
Simple charging station
Smart charging station
Collective charging station
No subsidies

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