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Modbus TCP/IP


Modbus TCP/IP

Modbus is a simple and widely used industrial communications protocol for sending data between industrial devices. Modbus TCP/IP is an adaptation of the well-established Modbus protocol for use over TCP/IP networks and allows Modbus devices to communicate via Ethernet, making it easy to connect devices over long distances or to connect to devices over a network.

TCP/IP is a data link protocol used on the Internet to allow computers and other devices to send and receive data.

TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. It enables devices connected to the Internet to communicate with each other via networks.

Source: www.avg.com/fr/signal/what-is-tcp-ip ; www.ipw-systemes.com/quest-ce-que-modbus-tcp

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Charging power
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Energy meter
Socket (CHadeMo, CCS2)
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Standard interfaces for external management system
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Standard interfaces for external management system
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Klimabonus subsidies
Simple charging station
Smart charging station
Collective charging station
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